This factory has been a staple in the industry for 20 years, covering over 10,000 square meters across six floors with a dedicated team of 300+ employees.
The makeup brush market has evolved significantly in recent years, especially after the rise of Cangzhou brushes, which has dramatically lowered prices and increased accessibility. During my recent visit, I was impressed by the production line, which bears similarities to the manufacturing of false eyelashes. The handmade processes are still prominent, ensuring high quality, and the workspace is maintained with strict hygiene standards.
In the showroom, the variety of brush sets and individual brushes is astounding! You can find a 15-piece set ranging from just $6 to $8, while popular influencer collaborations of 6-7 brushes often retail around $10, offering great profit margins. Many consumers feel that they can't achieve the same look as their favorite beauty influencers, leading them to quickly purchase matching tools.
When choosing the right brushes, consider these tips:
Material Matters: Natural hair bristles have better product pickup due to their scale-like structure, making them perfect for powders like eyeshadow, blush, and setting powders. Synthetic bristles, on the other hand, are ideal for liquid products like foundation and cream blush since they absorb less product.
Softness Isn't Everything: Not all brushes are created equal! Depending on your needs, a stiffer brush works best for brow application, while a softer blush brush can create a more diffused effect.
Start Simple: Beginners don’t need to buy a full brush set right away. Many brushes can serve multiple purposes, so it's wise to start with a few essentials and add to your collection based on actual usage.
Happy brushing! 🖌️💖