Does it contain sugar?No
Production license numberSC11713092101479
Frequency of delivery2
Storage conditionsNormal temperature
SeriesCrispy dates
Product barcode0000000000000
Place of originXinjiang
Jujube productsJujube products
ManufacturerCangzhou manufacture...
ProvinceHebei province
IngredientsRed dates, edible ve...
Geological flavorOther flavors
Hong kong, macao and taiwanNo shipment
Packaging methodBagged
Product standard numberT/HBFIA 0004
Series: specifications---------
SpecificationsVacuum packed crispy...
Item numberCrispy dates 003
Packaging seriesSimple outfit series
Storage methodCool and dry place
Color classificationRed
CityCangzhou city
Is there any core?No core
Package cycle2
Package portion2
Net content (specification)120g/bag
Raw materials and ingredientsRed dates, edible ve...
Product categoryFruits
Product certificationNo
Production processProcessing
Shelf life10 months
OriginCangzhou city
Sales methodPackaging
Hot selling monthAll years
Date of productionRecently
Halal foodNo
Is it imported?No