Financial Management Section I
Company Strategy Section 1
Accounting tax law has 2 sections.
Accounting Economic Law has 2 sections.
Accounting and financial management a total of 2 sections.
Accounting audit a total of 2 sections
Accounting company strategy has 2 sections.
There are 2 sections of tax law and economic law.
There are 2 sections in tax law and financial management.
Tax law audit a total of 2 sections
There are 2 sections on corporate strategy in tax law.
There are 2 sections in economic law and financial management.
Economic law audit a total of 2 sections
There are 2 sections in economic law strategy.
Financial management audit a total of 2 sections
Financial management company strategy a total of 2 sections.
Audit company strategy a total of 2 sections.
Any three subjects (do not repeat the contact notes)