Production license numberSC11713092100726
Storage conditionsNormal temperature
Raw materials and ingredientsSee packaging
Place of originHebei
ManufacturerCangzhou zaoyuan foo...
Net content (specification)Buy 25 packs and get...
Packaging methodPackaging
Product categoryMelon seeds
Product standard numberQ/CZZLY0006S
Production processProcessing
Product certificationNo
Shelf lifeSix months
OriginMainland china
Item numberAlmond melon seed ca...
Sales methodBulk
Is it open?No opening
Hot selling monthAll years
Melon seeds varietiesSunflower seeds
Date of productionSee packaging
Storage methodDry and ventilated
Is it imported?No
FlavorBuy 25 packs and get...
Is it hand-peeled?Non-hand peeling