Does it contain sugar?Contains
Production license numberSC11713092100461
Frequency of deliveryShipped every day
Storage conditionsNormal temperature
SeriesWrapped sandwich red...
Product barcodeOther
BrandBeautiful date king
Jujube productsYes
ManufacturerCangzhou meijujube k...
IngredientsGray dates, marshmal...
Geological flavorPeking preserves
Hong kong, macao and taiwanYes
Packaging methodBulk
Product standard numberQ/MZW 0001S
Series: specificationsWith film 5 kg
SpecificationsCashew milk jujube s...
Item numberVietnam export cashe...
Packaging seriesSimple outfit series
LevelSpecial grade
Storage methodSee packaging
Color classificationMaroon + cashew colo...
TimeThe company's new da...
Is there any core?None
Package cycleShipped every day
Package portionFor one person
Net content (specification)With film 5 kg
WeightWith film 5 kg
Raw materials and ingredientsGray dates, marshmal...
Product categoryFruits
Product certificationNo
Production processHandmade
Shelf life5 months
Sales methodBulk
Hot selling monthAll years
Date of productionThe company's new da...
Halal foodNo
Is it imported?No
SpecialtyCangzhou specialty