During my recent visit to a women's handbag factory in Guangzhou, I encountered a unique requirement: everyone had to wear disposable hairnets before entering the workshop. This was a first for me, aside from visits to food factories!
After touring the facility, I finally understood the reasoning behind this practice.
About the Factory:
The factory itself is quite spacious, and during my visit, the manager shared that they also operate in Guizhou and even abroad.
It’s well-known in the local area and has received several awards for its quality and service.
In addition to their own brand, they also handle production for several well-known brands.
They boast their own design and development team, with a sample room showcasing thousands of designs—some that they have previously manufactured and others that are yet to go into production.
Why the Hairnets?
The manager explained that they adhere to the same cleanliness standards as food factories to maintain hygiene and prevent hair and skin flakes from contaminating the products.
It makes perfect sense, especially considering the prestigious brands they work with!
This visit was a fascinating insight into the handbag production industry, and I appreciate the emphasis on cleanliness and quality that goes into their operations.